Friday, May 22, 2009


As I was running for the train I believe my phone slipped out of my pocket. 
I normally don't run for things, but I had maybe 10 minutes to book it to the caltrain station which is a block over and maybe 4 or 5 blocks away. I made the train (thankfully, the next one would have left an hour later!), though soon after it left I realized that my phone wasn't anywhere to be seen or heard. 

I miss my red blackberry. 

oh and now that the surprise is over, the 'groceries' was a homemade oreo cheesecake from scratch for John's birthday. 


I'm going to see Chicago tonight (the musical) in Saratoga. That should be exciting.  I heard the music once before but I have never seen it done before (nor have I seen the movie), so this should be fun. 

sadly unable to check email every five minutes, 


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